The Samsung Design Platform Aims For the Stars *snicker*

Yesterday Samsung launched "Make It Meaningful", a website that tailors itself to the industrial design end of their various product offerings. Filled with enough buzzwords to make your head spin–words like, "Feeling", "Balance", and "Simplicity"–the site is pretentious in a way that only Apple could appreciate... But here's the thing: Samsung, specifically their much lauded Galaxy line, is rarely on the forefront of design. In fact, their mobile presence has been criticized for years for being boring, unimaginative, and altogether forgettable. It's only when they draw on aesthetics popularized by other companies–companies like Apple–that people take notice. In the meantime, don't feed me this heavy-handed garbage about how the front of the phone is derived from nature and, in particular, the stars. Are you kidding me with this BS, Samsung? Samsung devices are beholden to the products and industrial design they imitate. Samsung isn't Braun and it won't ever be. I have my biases, but for you fans, watch and read Samsung fall all over themselves here.



Want me to buy a Galaxy device? Come and get me when your TouchWiz UI doesn't look like something that looks or feels as cheesy as it sounds. Seriously: look at this mess. MY EYES, SAMSUNG.